Bullengarook and the very Irish settlement it became

Des discusses his family’s migration from Patrickswell in Co. Limerick to Bullengarook, where many Irish families settled in the 1850s
Des discusses his family’s migration from Patrickswell in Co. Limerick to Bullengarook, where many Irish families settled in the 1850s
Graeme outlines the migration schemes, requirements and procedures for immigrants who came to Australia with particular focus to Irish emigrants. This talk builds upon the Ship Diaries series.
The Handout is available in the catalogue with the "Immigration Schemes to Australia in the Colonial period 1788 - 1900" record.
Stephen Hawke examines the factors that contributed to the emigration of many people from the south-west of England to Australia. This is Part 1 of two talks on the subject of migration.
In this presentation Liz Rushen describes the life of John Marshall, an extremely active emigration agent, who assisted thousands of people to migrate to Australia in the 19th century
Val Noone tells the story of immigration of families from Limerick to Victoria during the gold rush era and afterwards through the lens of Michael O'Donnell and Johanna Barry.
In this presentation Margaret Vines examines the migration of people from Ireland to Australia. She considers the choices, the push and pull factors and other reasons for their decision through the eyes of her family ancestors.
Claire Johnson describes the records available to assist you to research your ancestor’s voyage to Australia.
Carmel McEvey introduces the topic before Claire Dunlop's talk on ship newspapers. Graham Thorley gives an account of the voyage of the Golden Empire in 1863. Paul Harris speaks about the journey the California in 1853.
Critically analysing a diary
Ship Diaries & Journals of voyages to Australia: Golden Empire 1863, Diary of Daniel Baldwin (from Graham Thorley talk)
Ship diaries
Patrick and Luis relate the history of immigration from Malta to Australia during the 20th century through family documents and the records of the National Archives of Australia.
Three speakers share stories about the migration of their German families to Victoria and Tasmania. Michael Rumpff traces his family back to Frankfurt using Trove and German archives, beginning with the marriage record for his great-grandparents in Victoria. Michael Considine talks about German migration from Nieder-Weisel, north of Frankfurt, focusing on some families that settled in and around Ballarat. David Webster speaks about his research into the Glaum family from Hesse, also not far from Frankfurt. David discusses the sources he used to trace a branch of the Glaum family who migrated to Victoria in the 1850s.