Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

GSV re-opens!

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
20 April, 2017

GSV opens the doors at our new Research and Education Centre on Tuesday NEXT WEEK - 4 APRIL - L6, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne.

Two Events next week:

Wed 5 April at 12.30 pm - The GSV Writers Circle meets to review two pieces of writing submitted by members - one 'The Odyssey of Two Families: the Dedes and the Wares' and the other a saga of Simeon Kneebone and family: two generations of a mining family from Gwennap, Cornwall. The writers of these interesting developed drafts will have the opportunity to discuss their writing with the members of this Group, and receive useful feedback: everything from meaning and structure to style and punctuation. GSV Members only (but you can join on the day and see if this Group could be useful for you).

Thurs 6 April - Special Class:  10.00am - 1.00pm - English Research 1700-1837
Speaker: Alan Fincher
How to trace your English ancestors pre-civil registration, through church records, maps, wills, educational, occupational and military records, newspapers, and land related records - with relevant sources and websites.
Members $45  -  Non-members $90 - Bookings essential.