Jenny Redman talks about the availability of wills and probate records in England with emphasis on the Midland Counties. Susan Wight examples how she used wills and…
GSV Webcasts
Number of Webcasts = 6
Susan describes the life of Booth Hodgetts, 1758-1822, a nail ironmonger and industrialist, from Dudley, the capital of the Black Country. She also discusses various sources of…
Jenny Scammell outlines her research into the life of her ancestor John Moushall who was an ivory turner in Birmingham and Manchester in the first half of the 19th century.
Diana describes her life of her ancestors who lived and worked in the potteries in Staffordshire. She also outlines the resources available for family history research in the…
Whitmore Hall is one of the few properties in England that has remained in the same family for over 900 years. Anne Young speaks about her family’s connection to the house…
Samantha explores the social and economic history of Birmingham from a reference in the Domesday Book to the modern metropolis. She also comments on some of the challenges…