Membership of the Scottish Discussion Circle (ScotDisC) is available to any GSV Member at no additional charge:
![Join Scottish Discussion Circle](/sites/default/files/Join%20the%20Scottish%20Discussion%20Circle.png)
As a member of the Scottish Discussion Circle, you will be able to contact other members to explore matters of common interest:
![Members of the Scottish Discussion Circle](/sites/default/files/Contact%20other%20members_0.png)
Four meetings are held each year via Zoom, unless otherwise stated. These are on the third Saturday of March, June & September, and (usually) the fourth Saturday in November.
All GSV members are welcome at the 4 meetings. We also welcome as an interim arrangement former Scottish Ancestry Group members who are not GSV members (yet).
To register for one of our meetings, please view the list of upcoming events and select the event(s) of interest: Upcoming Events - Scottish Discussion Circle (ScotDisC), or phone the GSV office 96624455
Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom link for the meeting.
Our newsletter is published 4 times a year, around 1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 November and is sent automatically to all members
who are on the ScotDisC mailing list.
Copy for the next Thistle is due to the editor by 20 February, 20 May, 20 August and 20 November
Articles, photos, tit-bits, book reviews and questions are always welcome – contact the Editor
Next meeting
Saturday March 16, 2024. A zoom meeting. Members’ presentations.
You'll be able to attend in person or via Zoom.
With time for discussion and chat about our journeys and learnings.
How to join
You can join the Scottish Discussion Circle by submitting this online form: Join the Scottish Discussion Circle
You will also become a subscriber to our Notice Board with announcements about meetings, etc.: Scottish Discussion Circle Notice Board
How to leave
If you no longer wish to be a member of the Scottish Discussion Circle, please submit this online form: Leave the Scottish Discussion Circle
Discussion Circle Planning Group
Bruce McDowall
Eric Smith
John Bird
Thistle Editor: Eric Smith
1. To promote awareness of the group and its activities
2. To promote research into Scottish family history
3. To promote an understanding of the nuances relating to research into
Scottish family history
4. To publish a quarterly newsletter "Thistle" containing material
relevant to Scottish family history
5. To publish other publications containing material relevant to Scottish
family history
6. To hold meetings on a quarterly basis to enable topics relevant to
Scottish family history to be presented
7. To hold workshops, road shows, seminars, conferences etc., as and when
8. To collect and donate research materials relevant to Scottish family
history to the GSV Library
9. To exchange newsletters with like groups locally, nationally and
ScotlandsPeople Website Class
Don't forget to check our "Activities" calendar and book this class.
Beginner's Workshops (ON HOLD AT PRESENT)
Other Services
Conferences and Seminars: From time to time, conferences, seminars, and other sessions separate from the normal meeting schedule will be held to enable a broad range of information to be disseminated. These events will be advertised in Thistle, Ancestor and the GSV's web site.
Library Donation Fund: One of the aims of the Scottish Ancestry Group is to donate material relevant to Scottish Family History research to the GSV Library.
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. All cheques and money orders need to be made out to "The Genealogical Society of Victoria". Make sure you clearly nominate that your payment is a donation to the Scottish Ancestry Discussion Library Donation Fund.
Mailing Address
Genealogical Society of Victoria
Level 1, 10 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000 Victoria