Our series on DNA and family history are starting back at the beginning this month.
The first session starts on March 30 - Using DNA for Family History.
This introductory presentation by Alan Rhodes is intended to help people get underway and start their DNA journey. Alan will give you the essential DNA basics and explains how a DNA test can set you on your way to finding cousins, common ancestors and solving family history mysteries and more. This session and the series over the next couple of months guide participants in getting best value out of their DNA test such as Ancestry and My Heritage.
This talk will be presented online via Zoom.
30 March 2021, 11:00 am to 12:30
$5 GSV members. $20 non-members. Maximum 45 participants.
Bookings are required and can be made online via the Register Now link. You will receive an email with the Zoom link.
Then the series continues.
27 April - Using DNA matches
Your DNA matches are the key to using DNA in your family history. This presentation demonstrates the essential strategies to work out how you are connected to your DNA matches, to identify ancestors and extend your family tree. The focus is on Ancestry but the strategies are relevant no matter which company you have tested with.
25 May - Ancestry's 'Thrulines'
The 'ThruLines' feature provides you with another way to view your matches and potentially identify new ancestors. The presentation demonstrates how to use 'ThruLines', verify the suggestions and extend your family tree.
It is worth noting that people who have actually progressed a bit will benefit from revisiting theses sessions.
DNA webcasts in your own time
A reminder also that GSV Members can listen to the 3 introductory DNA webcasts on our website.
And if reading is still your thing...
In our current Ancestor journal go to the regular section 'DNA News and Notes' in which Philip Crane explains how he married conventional genealogical research techniques to his DNA results to make sense of the relationship to one of his ancestors.
There is lots of DNA at GSV.